Friday, January 8, 2016

Be Careful with Email Attachments and Links

Be Careful with Email Attachments and Links

I know you've heard this many times, but it's easy to fall prey to scammers while we're zipping through our email.

Malware is commonly activated when people click on an email attachment or a link that launches the malware. 

So don't open attachments or click on links unless you're certain they're safe, even if they come from a person or company you know. It's better to err on the side of suspicion. If you're not sure of the source, call the person or company. 

Be especially wary of attachments with sensational names, emails that contain misspellings, or emails that try to entice you into clicking on a link or attachment (for example, an email with a subject like that reads, "Hey, you won't believe this picture I saw of you on the Internet!"). 

We live in an age where one click of the mouse can ruin our day. Don't let yourself become another cybercrime victim.  Like they teach us when we learn to drive, be defensive.  Look out for yourself. 

Thanks for reading, 


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