Deterring Theft of Your Home and Office Computers
What's the issue?
It seems whenever we tune into the news these days we hear of another computer system hacking. Whether it's an attack on big business, government, or celebrities, the black hat hackers are chalking up victories. But there are less techie ways of getting to our confidential data.
Why should you care?
Because it's so easy to be ripped off. A criminal could find the opportunity to pick up your computer (or phone or tablet) and walk off with it. Cyber theft can be that simple.
Speaking from my perspective on Hawaii Island it seems most homes and businesses don't have alarm systems. Most don't seem to have very good locks on their doors either. I have yet to see a laptop locked to furniture. The deterrents to computer theft around here are low.
So it would be quite easy for a thief to acquire a computer in these environments, such as after business hours, or when the homeowner is away. And once the computer is in hand, even if it's password protected, any data on that computer is compromised. (Encrypting the data does boost your security.)
Expect the worst! Reasons for stealing a computer range from a disgruntled employee, a mad ex-spouse or partner, a desperate drug addict, etc.
How to protect yourself?
If you have confidential info on your computer, and you could imagine a scenario where someone would steal the system, please think of ways to counter that.
Installing good door and window locks is a start. For a business, an alarm system is a good investment. If you are leaving for the weekend or going on vacation, you can hide your computer. There are cord locks you can install, which latch the computer to furniture (it's a deterrent). You can lock a server in a closet or cage. There are many approaches to boost security.
Put on the hat of a thief and survey your home or office for ways a computer could be stolen. Think how it would affect you if the computer were stolen. Then take appropriate action to protect that asset.
When should you do it?
ASAP! The word is out on the "cyberstreet" that stolen data is a commodity. Don't wait until after you're a victim.
Where can you find more info on this topic?
Here's a website that offers theft prevention tips.
Who can help?
Ask a friend or family member or IT consultant to help assess your computer theft vulnerabilities. Two heads are better than one to craft defenses.
In Sum
The nexus between the online and offline worlds provides many angles for the criminals. Let's keep our guard up so we don't become another statistic of cyber crime.
Thanks for reading. You're feedback is appreciated!
Aloha, Sam
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